Thursday 23 April 2009

A New Day For Maryland

Dear Friends,

In order to elect Republicans in Maryland and become a viable party in the state, it is important to project a positive attitude. Those in the party that keep saying "we do not have chance to win", you are only defeating yourself. If want to be serious about winning elections and recruiting others, it is vital for the party to develop a positive message and attitude. Having a positive attitude will attract others much more than a negative attitude. It is also important to present new and innovative ideas for challenges we are facing today. The party must have vision and innovative solutions if you are to be the party of the future. Do not be afraid to present bold innovative ideas for good governance, fiscal accountability and health care reform. People today mobilize around issues and ideas, not party label.

The party should also start focusing more on outreach, looking in the communities for new blood with fresh ideas. The party has failed by not including new people in positions responsibility and party leadership, were they have become stale, by creating an echo chamber. This is most vital for any political parties future to bring fresh and new ideas in the political process. As part of this over all strategy the focus should be on recruiting viable candidates to challenge every public office held by a Democrat, this includes local state and federal levels of government. Giving voters a greater choice at election time and it holds public officials more accountable to the people. Most importantly it increases the parties profile and debate on public policy differences.

Always keep in mind for Democracy to remain legitimate the ones in power must be willing to give it and and let others assume positions of leadership. In Maryland were one political party has been in control over much of its history, the majority party has become arrogant and out of touch with hard working Marylanders pay taxes. Regardless of whether it is the Democratic or Republican party, one party should never control all levels of government for a long period of time.

Many of us have under estimated the influence of social web-sites and new technology has had in the political process. The growing trend today is new media that engages more people in campaigns and public policy debate. Social web sites have created an organic process by mobilizing the grass roots, that become engaged political campaigns, much faster than before. This New Media form has creating greater two way communication between the people and those governing the state.

I am confident that Republicans can make gains if they focus on fiscal conservative principles. Regardless of ones position on social issues, the party must remain united on its founding principle's of fiscal conservative values. With government spending out of control the people will be turning to candidates that will restore fiscal accountability in government.

We can can start a new day in Maryland, by electing conservative leadership to take charge of Maryland. State leaders that will restore fiscal accountability in state government. By working together we can bring good government to Maryland. A state government that is prudent with your taxes dollars, welcoming new industry and new ideas. I also invite you to join my blog and post your comments and concerns. You may also follow me on face book, Linkened;; twitter"Marks4Maryland." I thank you for your time and support.

Respectfully Yours
Meyer Marks
"Moving Maryland Ahead"

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I thank you for visiting my blog your comments and suggestions are most important to me. It is my goal to build a grass roots network of fiscal conservatives throughout Maryland and the Nation. As we work to end one party rule in Maryland by restoring fiscal accountability in the State House.
Respectfully Yours!
Meyer Marks
"Moving Maryland Ahead"